Thursday, June 7, 2007

These will fade fantastically

Well, the good pics won't start til near the end of the month when I get back to a computer after my Safari in Uganda, but for now, I'll just keep clicking shots of whatever. I took a few random detail shots and non-wear shots yesterday. I'll try and get some wear shots tomorrow.

Look at the shape of my bike seat:

Obligatory tag shot:

Also, the buckle:


justinbaily21 said...

Those do fade very well! I hope the seat isn't too messed up by the time I get them. I can only image what people will be sitting on. Are we still doing the single wallet?

The Etruscan said...

I put the white wallet in the pocket the day I got them. I plan to send it on. I'm not taking any pictures of it though, I want it to surprise people.

Unknown said...

Those are looking really good at the moment!

The white wallet is a cool idea! Certainly suprised me... :)
